
Neurons Grade 10 Review

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  • About how many neurons are in the human brain.
    100 billion
  • The information carried by neuronsto the brain are called.
    Nerve Impulses
  • Part of the Neurons which receive and carry information toward the cell body.
  • Part of the Neurons also called Soma, which contain the nucleus.
    Cell body
  • Long, taillike fiber that extends from the cell body – carries messages away from the cell body.
  • The message-carrying unit of the nervous system.
  • The Gap between neurons and are essential to the transmission of nervous impulses from one neuron to another.
  • The control system of all body activities.
    Nervous System
  • Type of neurons that are called efferent, transmit impulses from the brain and spinal cord to the effector cells, which may be those muscles, organs, glands.
    Motor Neurons
  • Type of neurons that are found within brain and spinal cord, process incoming impulses and pass them on to motor neurons.
  • Type of neurons that are called afferent neurons because their function is to receive initial stimuli from the sense organs, where most of the receptors are located.
    Sensory Neurons