
7.1 Jacksonian Democracy

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  • Which principle of government means each branch of the government has power over another branch?
    Checks and Balances
  • Why is the election of 1824 called the corrupt bargain?
    Jackson won the popular vote and the electoral vote, but the house of representatives made John Quincy Adams President
  • What caused urbanization
    Industrialization (building factories)
  • What religious movement inspired the reform era?
    The Second Great Awakening
  • During the Reform Era, which movement fought for suffrage?
    Women's Rights
  • What movement wanted to ban drinking?
  • Which political party was led by Thomas Jefferson and James Madison?
    democratic republican party
  • Which invention made cotton a cash crop and spread slavery?
    The Cotton Gin
  • Which reformer fought for women's rights?
    Susan B. Anthony
  • What Supreme Court Case defined judicial review?
    Marbury v. Madison
  • Which political party during the Early Republic was supported by bankers in urban areas?
    The Federalist Party
  • What principle of the constitution means the people have power in the government
    popular sovereignty
  • Which era happened when people decided to change their society?
    The Reform Era
  • After the election of 1824, who had suffrage?
    All white men
  • Which political party in the early republic was supported by farmers and artisans?
    The Democratic-Republican Party
  • What economic system relies on supply and demand, competition, private property and private ownership?
    Free Enterprise
  • Why did industrialization increase after the war of 1812?
    Americans could not trade with Britain, so they had to manufacture goods themselves.
  • Which reformer worked with the mentally ill?
    Dorothea Dix
  • Which group of immigrants came to the United States to escape a potato famine?
    The Irish
  • Why did Catholics immigrate to Maryland in the 17th century?
    To escape religious persecution
  • What is suffrage?
    The right to vote