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  • What do you call this sign/mark in musical notation?
    first ending
  • It means repeat from the beginning of the musical notation.
    Da Capo
  • It means to go back to the beginning and end at fine.
    D.C. al Fine
  • It is the sign for coda.
  • It means to go back to the beginning and jump or proceed to the coda sign.
    D.C. Al Coda
  • It is used as navigation marker in a musical notation.
    Dal Segno
  • It marks the end of a composition or movement that can be written in the middle of a song a long with a final bar line.
  • It means go to back at the sign and end at fine.
    Dal Segno al Fine
  • what you mean by this mark in a musical notation?
    final ending
  • What do you call this sign/mark in a musical notation?
    second ending