
Passive Voice A2.2

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  • Did the same person direct all the 'Harry Potter' films?
    Were all the 'Harry Potter' films directed by the same person?
  • Picasso didn't paint 'The Scream'.
    'The Scream' wasn't painted by Picasso.
  • the VW Beetle / design / in the 1930s / .
    The VW Beetle was designed in the 1930s.
  • Make Passive: A factory in China makes these toys.
    These toys are made by a factory in China.
  • where / the 'Lord of the Rings' films / make / ?
    Where were the 'Lord of the Rings' films made?
  • what / your new baby / call / ?
    What is your new baby called?
  • Does a computer control the heating?
    Is the heating controlled by a computer?
  • diamonds / find / in many different colours / .
    Diamonds are found in many different colours.
  • Spanish / speak / in Spain and many parts of South America.
    Spanish is spoken in Spain and many parts of South America.
  • Make Passive: People of all ages wear jeans.
    Jeans are worn by people of all ages.
  • where / olives / grow / ?
    Where are olives grown?
  • People don't use casssette recorders very much today.
    Cassette recorders aren't used very much today.
  • Stieg Larsson wrote 'The Millennium Trilogy'.
    'The Millennium Trilogy' was written by Stieg Larsson.
  • when / vitamins / discover / ?
    When were vitamins discovered?
  • Make Passive: Microsoft didn't invent laptop computers.
    Laptop computers weren't invented by Microsoft.
  • contact lenses / invent / a Czech chemist / .
    Contact lenses were invented by a Czech chemist.