
GE B2 - FCE Unit 1+2 Phrasal verbs

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  • to put something in the place where it is usually kept
    put down
    put out
    put away
    put up
  • to fail to use an opportunity to enjoy or get an advantage from something
    miss out (on STH)
    live up to
    dress up
    put off
  • to make a picture or idea appear in someone's mind
    think up
    conjure up
    put off
    add to
  • to be similar to an older member of your family in appearance or character
    take after
    give up
    dress up
    look after
  • surrender / stop fighting / to finally agree to what someone wants, after refusing for a period of time
    give in
    make up
    take into
    give out
  • to give something to someone without asking for payment
    give up
    give STH away
    conjure up
    try out
  • to use something to discover if it works or if you like it
    conjure up
    add to
    end up
    try STH out
  • to feel pleased and excited about something that is going to happen
    look up
    get STH across
    look down
    look forward
  • extinguish something that is burning
    water down
    put off
    live up to
    put out
  • to accept an unpleasant fact or situation after dealing with it for a while
    get on
    get over
    turn on
    turn over
  • see if clothes fit you or/and suit you
    make up
    get up
    try out
    try on
  • to be as good as something
    add to
    miss out on STH
    live up to
    think up
  • to finally be in a particular place or situation
    put out
    end up
    put off
    take after
  • to make someone not want to do something, or to make someone not like someone or something
    put out
    add to
    take off
    put off
  • to suddenly start to be successful or popular
    live up to
    dress up
    take off
    try STH on
  • to make something such as a feeling or a quality greater or more extreme
    think up
    dress up
    get STH across
    add to
  • accumulate money for future use
    make up
    conjure up
    save up
    think up
  • to stop trying to do something before you have finished, usually because it is too difficult
    try out
    miss out on STH
    give up
    give STH away
  • to make people understand something
    end up
    take off
    get STH across
    look forward to STH
  • return STH to a shop
    take after
    take away
    look forward
    take back
  • to produce an idea or plan
    take over
    think up
    get up
    put out
  • to put on formal clothes for a special occasion / to put on special clothes in order to change your appearance
    end up
    conjure up
    dress up
    take off