
6.1 Causes of the Reform Movements

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  • Which reform movement was led by Dorothea Dix?
    Mental Health Reform
  • What Supreme Court case established judicial review?
    Marbury v. Madison
  • What was the cause of the war of 1812?
    The British impressed U.S. sailors
  • What were TWO effects of this canal on the United States during the early-to-mid 1800s?
    The midwest opened for settlement, the northeast gained access to trade networks
  • How did harbors affect the 13 colonies
    They provided access to European markets
  • What religious movement caused the reform Era
    The Second Great Awakening
  • Why did Thomas Jefferson purchase Louisiana Territory?
    He wanted to control the Mississippi River
  • Where did Washington's troops face a diffcult winter and nearly starve?
    Valley Forge
  • Why did Washington issue the proclamation of Neutrality?
    To avoid being drawn into European conflicts