
simple past

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  • she ...............( eat) sushi last weekend.
    She ate noodles last weekend.
  • He ..............................(not eat) curry for lunch.
    He didn't eat curry for lunch.
  • I ....................(drink) orange juice with lunch.
    I drank orange juice with lunch.
  • I .................... (eat) chicken for dinner yesterday.
    I ate chicken for dinner yesterday.
  • They didn't practiced the piano.
    They didn't practice the piano.
  • I .................(not drink) tea with breakfast.
    I didn't drink tea with breakfast.
  • He .......................( not play) table tennis.
    He didn't play table tennis.
  • She ........................(visit) her friend.
    She visited her friend.
  • what did he do last night?
    he talked on the phone.
  • He ......................... (not visit) his friend yesterday.
    He didn't visit his friend yesterday.
  • She..................... ( play) football last weekend.
    She played football last weekend.
  • I drank tea last monday.
  • I ......................(not eat) sushi for lunch.
    I didn't eat sushi for lunch.
  • He ..............................(eat) curry for lunch.
    He ate curry for lunch.
  • I drink lemonade yesterday.
    I drank lemonade yesterday.
  • He .........................(drink) milk with breakfast.
    He drank milk with breakfast.
  • I didn't ate curry last week.
    I didn't eat curry last week.
  • They ..................(practice) the piano last week.
    They practiced the piano last week.
  • we didn't talk on the phone.
  • He ....................... (eat) noodles yesterday.
    He ate noodles yesterday.
  • He .................... ( talk) on the phone last weekend.
    He talked on the phone last weekend.
  • Did she practice the piano yesterday?
    No, she didn't.