
History Chap. 15 Sec. 1&2

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  • Did the Wilmont Provisio successfully address the nation's divisions over slavery? What effect did it have on the nation?
    No, it angered and frightened the South
  • What was the Compromise of 1850?
    Henry Clay's proposal to use popular sovereignty to decide whether new states had slavery, except California and DC would be a free state.
  • How did northerners react to enforcement to the Fugitive Slave Law?
    They resisted it
  • Why was Calhoun opposed to California's admission to the Union?
    It would tip the balance in the Senate against slave states
  • Who was Daniel Webster?
    Massachusetts Senator, supported Henry Clay's proposals and called for an end to the bitter sectionalism that was dividing the nation
  • What was the outcome of the election to select a legislature in Kansas Territory?
    The first election resulted in a legislature that favored slavery. Foes of slavery did not accept it and elected their own legislature.
  • What was the Kansas-Nebraska Act
    It created two territories from the Nebraska territory. Whether slavery was allowed or not to be decided by popular sovereignty.
  • Why was the South alarmed by the Wilmot Proviso?
    Banning new slave states would give free states a majority in both houses of Congress
  • What was the Wilmont Proviso?
    a proposed law that would have banned slavery from lands gained as a result of the Mexican-American War.
  • How did the Kansas-Nebraska act affect the population of the territories?
    The population increased as settlers flooded into the territory
  • What did the Compromise of 1850 do about slavery in the District of Columbia
    It outlawed the buying and selling of slaves there
  • What did southerners want congress to do about enslaved people who had fled to the North?
    pass a law that would force the return of fugitives
  • What parts of the Compromise of 1850 were included to please the North?
    It admitted California as a free state
  • If southern states seceded from the Union, then ....
    The union would split in two and be separate countries.
  • How did Stephen Douglas's plan undo the Missouri Compromise?
    By allowing the territories to use popular sovereignty to decide the use of slavery, the Missouri Compromise ban was ended.
  • The status of new western territories would be decided by popular sovereignty, which is when....
    people vote directly on issues
  • What was one of the effects of Harriet Beecher Stowe's book "Uncle Tom's Cabin?"
    Northerners and southerners became more angry with each other. Many began to see slavery as a moral issue.
  • Many northerners would not report fugitive slaves who were ...
    runaway slaves
  • Why was slavery in the District of Columbia such an important issue?
    As the nation's capital, the District of Columbia had special significance for northerners and southerners.
  • How did the Kansas-Nebraska Act contribute to tension between the North and the South?
    Northerners were angry that the ban of slavery was over from the Missouri Compromise and southerners hoped slavery would be decided by popular sovereignty.
  • What was the goal of the free soil party?
    to prevent the spread of slavery to territory gained in the Mexican-American War
  • What event did both southerners worry would destroy the balance of power between them?
    The admission of California into the Union
  • Many white southerners considered "Uncle Tom's Cabin," propaganda,which is . . .
    false and/or misleading information
  • What were the main issues that led to Henry Clay's proposed compromise?
    California applying to be a state, northern desire to ban the slave trade in the District of Columbia (DC), and the South wanting a fugitive slave law.