
Wider World 1 Review Unit 4

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  • NAME 5 school subjects
    Art, Maths, History, Chemistry, Physical Education (P.E.) etc.
  • In this photo there is my sister, brother and I .....them.
  • The pens are .... my pencil case. And my pencil-case is desk.
  • Choose the PRESENT CONTINUOUS or PRESENT SIMPLE form: Do you enjoy / Are you enjoying this party?
    Are you enjoying this party?
  • The teacher is usually so we can see her.
    in front of us
  • 7 prepositions of place
    behind, in, on, under, in front of, next to, between
  • Choose the PRESENT CONTINUOUS or PRESENT SIMPLE form: History is my favourite subject. We learn / are learning about Christopher Columbus at the moment.
    We are learning about Christopher Columbus at the moment.
  • NAME 5 things students take to school everyday
    calculator, eraser, pencil, ruler, school bag etc.
  • Anna sits in class. I can't see her, but I can hear her.
  • Choose the PRESENT CONTINUOUS or PRESENT SIMPLE form: The cat usually sleeps / is usually sleeping in my school bag.
    The cat usually sleeps in my school bag.
  • Choose the PRESENT CONTINUOUS or PRESENT SIMPLE form: Ella is a great student. She works / is working hard all year.
    She works hard all year.
  • Choose the PRESENT CONTINUOUS or PRESENT SIMPLE form: Matt and Frank aren't watching / don't watch TV - they're revising for an exam.
    Matt and Frank aren't watching TV - they're revising for an exam.
  • We always sits in pairs in class. Paul sits Grant and Jacky sits
    next to/next to