
Conflict Resolution

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  • The student behind you in line keeps poking you, what should you do?
    Tell them you do not like that, if that does not work, move in line or tell an adult.
  • Your best friend is someone elses partner in a game, but you wanted to be their partner, what should you do?
    Find someone else to play the game with or ask to join them
  • You want to play uno, but your friends wants to play on the trampoline outside. What do you do?
    Find a common thing to play, play both, etc.
  • Someone in your class came up to you and said they do not like your outfit today, what do you do?
    Tell them how that made you feel, if this happens more than once, tell an adult
  • You were not the winner in your class Blooket game, what do you do?
    Say good game or nice job to other people that paricipated
  • Your Mom packed you a salami sandwich for lunch but you really wanted a PB&J, what should you do?
    Eat the PB&J and bring a salami sandwich tomorrow
  • Someone is yelling at your friend at recess and your friend doesn't know what to do, what should you do?
    Tell the other person to stop, ask your friend to walk away with you and play something else, or tell an adult
  • Your class won a Golden Knight party!! You voted for a pizza party but the majority of your class voted for a pajama day, what do you do?
    Say "Oh well, maybe next time we can do a pizza party"
  • In a class project you wanted to write about dolphins but your partner wants to write about sharks, what do you do?
    Compromise and find a common animal you both want to write about
  • You are trying to tell your mom about your day at school but your little sister keeps interrupting you, what do you do?
    Wait until your mom is able to hear you, tell your sibling how this makes you feel
  • You and your friend are arguing about who is better at soccer and you are feeling frustrated, what do you do?
    Take a deep breath, stop arguing, and move forward with your day