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  • Who are the most important people in your life
    The most important people in my life are my mom and my dad
  • Who is blond/ dark-haired like you in your family?
    My mom and my dad are blond/ dark-haired like me
  • You see an elderly woman crossing the street and she doesn’t see there’s a car coming in her direction.What can you do?
    I can warn her
  • How old does a person have to be to drink alcohol in Brazil?
    They have to be 18 to drink in Brazil
  • Talk about two people that you get along with really well at school
    I get along with Jessica and Laura
  • Are you an expert gamer?
    NO, I'm not an expert gamer
  • Which instrument do you think is more difficult to play: the guitar or the piano?
    I think the piano is more difficult than the guitar
  • Tell us some of the things you can do on your own
    I can make a cake and clean the house on my own
  • I think chocolate cake is more delicious than apple pie. What expression can you use to say that you agree with me?
    You can say that again
  • Imagine you are very sure there will be rain tonight. Using bet, say it in another way.
    / I bet there will be rain tonight / I bet it will rain tonight /
  • Who usually gives you a hand with your homework/ assignments when you need it?
    My sister usually gives me a hand with my homework
  • What was the most interesting movie you saw in your life?
    The most interesting movie I saw was titanic