
Context Clues for Middle School

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  • He breathed deeply, more interested in DETECTING the faint smell of the meatloaf.
    Detected = identify, notice
  • Smith got his nickname because he was ELUSIVE – hard to catch.
    Elusive = hard to catch
  • Tracy held the flower as gently as she could, fearing that the DELICATE stem would break.
    delicate = easy to break
  • She wondered whether the flowers on the food were EDIBLE or if they were just for decoration.
    Edible = able to eat
  • The teacher told them it was time for INDEPENDENT work, but he had some questions so he went to the teacher for help.
    independent = not depending on someone else
  • Owls are NOCTURNAL. They fly around and look for food at night
    nocturnal = active at night
  • The cruise ship had difficulty NAVIGATING the waters due to its large size.
    navigating = moving around, steering
  • Gerard was so hungry that for lunch he CONSUMED three sandwiches and a quart of milk.
    consumed = ate
  • My mom usually likes to stick to a schedule and plan things way ahead of time, so I was surprised when she took us on a SPONTANEOUS trip.
    spontaneous = not planned, sudden
  • It seemed very doubtful whether he would ACCOMPLISH his desire. He would need to work very hard to reach his goals.
    Accomplish = reach, achieve
  • My backpack is DURABLE. I've had it for eight years and it still hasn't broken.
    durable = sturdy, tough
  • He was really scared of the GIGANTIC, or huge, spider. He had never seen such a large spider in his life.
    Gigantic = huge, large
  • When we came into the classroom and saw the little candy bars on our desks, I MISCONSTRUED it to mean that we should eat the candy bars before waiting for instructions. I only realized my error after chewing up mine.
    misconstrue = misunderstood