
Some, any, a lot of, a few, a bit of

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  • We did well in our test and our teacher only gave us ... homework - just one exercise.
    a bit of
  • That shop hasn't got ... bread.
  • Did you eat ... cake on your birthday?
  • I didn't buy a new wallet because I didn't have ... money.
  • We made sandwiches, pizza, a salad and cakes. There was ... food at my party!
    a lot of
  • The trip is for three days. You only need ... pairs of socks, not 12 pairs!
    a few
  • I often ask the shop assistant for ... advice on what to buy.
  • Sally's got ... jewellery but not much.
    a bit of
  • I spend ... time time looking at clothes online.
    a bit of/ a lot of
  • Let's go shopping. I want to buy ... new clothes.
  • I've got ... good friends - Anna, Karen and Rachel.
    a few
  • We've got ... biscuits. There are three packets here and four packets on that shelf.
    a lot of
  • Were there .. blue T-shirts in the shop?
  • There are ... new students in my class.
  • Did you buy ... toys in the sales?