
USH B Unit 7 Test Review

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  • This is a period in the business cycle where there is reduced economic activity.
  • The Wagner Act of 1935 allowed labor unions to establish quotas on immigration. True or False?
    False - it allowed for collective bargaining
  • Risky investing behavior was not a major factor of the stock market crash of 1929. True or False?
  • President Hoover supported government intervention and programs to help with the economic troubles. True or False?
  • Who was president of the United States at the start of the Great Depression?
    Herbert Hoover
  • Free trade agreements were a major cause of the Great Depression. True or False?
  • Why did people like those in the picture have to line up for free food in the 1930s?
    the Great Depression left many without jobs or money
  • Why did many people in the Great Depression live in makeshift towns, or ""Hoovervilles" as depicted in the photograph?
    They had lost their money and their homes.
  • What event is generally considered to be the start of the Great Depression?
    Stock Market Crash
  • What event brought an end to the Great Depression?
    World War II
  • This New Deal program put people to work building dams, bridges and roads.
    The TVA (Tennessee Valley Authority)
  • Where did many migrant workers from the Dust Bowl in the Midwest migrate to?
  • Why was the FDIC (Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation) established?
    To improve the banking system and restore people's confidence in banking system
  • This environmental condition increased the destruction of the Dust Bowl in the 1930s.
    Years of drought
  • What were the three R's of The New Deal?
    Relief, Recovery and Reform
  • What president was elected when he promised Americans a 'New Deal'?
    Franklin D. Roosevelt
  • Name one factor that contributed to the Dust Bowl.
  • Buying items using an amount borrowed from the bank is?
  • What decade did the majority of the Great Depression occur?
  • The New Deal and the Progressive Era are similar in that they wanted to limit government protection of its citizens. True or False?
    False - wanted to expand protection of citizens.
  • October 29, 1929 is known as?
    Black Tuesday
  • The distribution of wealth in American during the 1920s was considered evenly distributed across all sectors of the public. True or False?
    False - majority of the nation's wealth was held by a small percentage of the population
  • A group established by FDR to come up with progressive solutions to the problems of the Great Depression was known as what?
    The "Brain Trust"
  • What was the New Deal?
    A series of laws and programs to help end the Great Depression
  • Which New Deal organization put people to work maintaining state and national forests?
    The CCC (Civilian Conservation Corp)
  • The New Deal included programs that took care of poor and unemployed people. True or False?
  • The main goal of Roosevelt's WPA (Works Progress Administration) was to extend environmental regulations. True or False?
    False - it was to provide jobs for the unemployed
  • "Hoovervilles" were established to show support for President Hoover's work during the Great Depression. True or False?
  • Roosevelt defeated Hoover in the election of 1932 in one of the largest landslides in American history. True or False?
  • What was the risky investing practice that ultimately led to the stock market crash?
    Buying stocks on margin rather that paying full price
  • A group of WWI veterans demanding their promised bonus be paid early was called what?
    The "Bonus Army"
  • Name one cause of the Great Depression.
    Overfarming, risky business/stock market practices