
Eletromagnetism - Review

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  • Are they attacted by magnets?
    Yes, they are.
  • Is this attracted by magnets?
    No, it isn't.
  • What is the compass used for?
    It’s a device to help people find directions.
  • Is this attracted by magnets?
    No, it isn't.
  • Name a cardinal point.
    North, East, South, West.
  • Which character is this? What is special about him?
    This is Magneto. He can attract metal.
  • Are they attacted by magnets?
    Yes, they are.
  • Are they attracted by magnets?
    Yes, they are.
  • Are they attacted by magnets?
    No, they aren't.
  • Who uses the compass?
    Nautical explorers, navigators, pirates from the past.
  • Are they attracted by magnets?
    No, they aren't.
  • Where was the compass invented?
    It was invented in China.
  • Name a cardinal point.
    North, East, South, West.
  • What object is this?
    It's a (horseshoe) magnet.
  • Is this attacted by magnets?
    Yes, it is.
  • Are they attacted by magnets?
    Yes, they are.
  • Is it attracted by magnets?
    Yes, it is.
  • What is it?
    It's a compass.
  • Is this attacted by magnets?
    Yes, it is.
  • Are they attracted by magnets?
    No, they aren't.