
Mishnayos Sukkah 3:6-3:15

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  • (ו) WTD: עָלְתָה חֲזָזִית? Why?
    פסול if the blisters are on most of the אתרוג. It's not הדר - beautiful.
  • (ט) What if one did not take לולב the whole morning?
    He can do it later because the whole day is כשר for לולב.
  • (י) What does the משנה say about the person who doesn't know how to read הלל? Why?
    It should be on him a curse. He should have learned how to read.
  • (טו) What is a woman allowed to do with a לולב on שבת? Why would we have thought otherwise?
    Move it. Since she doesn't need to shake לולב, we would have thought that it is מוקצה for her.
  • (יב) מִדְּאוֹרָיְיתָא, when may חָדָשׁ be eaten?
    Once the קרבן עומר is brought on 2nd day of פסח. If there is no בית המקדש then the beginning of 2nd day of פסח.
  • (ז) What is the smallest size of an אתרוג?
    מחלוקת: ר' מאיר - walnut, ר' יהודה - egg
  • (יא) WTD: Repeating פסוקים in הלל (from the words "אוֹדְךָ כִּי עֲנִיתָנִי" and on)?
    It depends on the מנהג of that place.
  • (י) WTD: An adult reading הלל for another adult?
    He should answer הַלְלוּיָ-הּ after each פסוק that is said.
  • (יג) How would they prepare their לוּלָבים when the 1st day of סֻכּוֹת fell out on שַׁבָּת? Why?
    Brought their לולבים to shul before שבת because they would not be able to carry them.
  • (ו) WTD: אתרוג that is missing: פִטְם? עֻקץ?
    פִטְם - פסול, עֻקץ - כשר
  • (יג) Did they prepare when the other days of סוכות fell out on שבת? Why?
    No, because you don't take לולב on those days.
  • (ח) With what may one tie his לולב? Explain.
    מחלוקת: ר' יהודה - its own kind (לולב), ר' מאיר - anything ר"י - tying is part of the מצוה so tying something else is adding on to the מצוה which is n...
  • (יג) Is לוּלָב taken on שַׁבָּת? (outside of the בית המקדש)
    מדאורייתא on the 1st day it is taken. (מדרבנן, nowadays, we do not.)
  • (יב) What did רַבָּן יוֹחָנָן בֶּן זַכַּאי decree about taking the לוּלָב? Why?
    לולב is taken all 7 days everywhere. To remember what was done in the בית המקדש before it was destroyed.
  • (ו) WTD: יָרוֹק כְּכַרְתִי?
    מחלוקת: ר' מאיר - כשר, ר' יהודה - פסול
  • (יב) מִדְּאוֹרָיְיתָא, how many days is there a מצוה to take לוּלָב?
    In בית המקדש, all 7 days. Outside of בית המקדש, only 1st day
  • (ו) WTD: אתרוג that has a hole?
    If it is not missing anything it is כשר (as long as hole doesn't go all the way through & isn't too large).
  • (יא) WTD: Making a ברכה at the end of הלל?
    It depends on the מנהג of that place.
  • (ט) When should one take (shake) לולב? Why?
    As soon as possible. זריזות.
  • (ט) What if someone had been travelling, hadn't taken לולב yet, and began his meal?
    If it's late in the day (and may miss the מצוה) he should stop his meal and take לולב.
  • (ט) Where in הלל does everyone agree you shake לולב? Where is a מחלוקת if you shake?
    הודו לה' beginning and end, אָנָּא ה' הוֹשִׁיעָה נָּא. They argue by אָנָּא ה' הַצְלִיחָה נָּא.
  • (יא) WTD: Buying a לולב set during שמיטה [from an עם הארץ]? Why?
    He should give the אתרוג as a present. The money used for buying שמיטה fruit is קדוש and we are concerned the עם הארץ may not treat the money properly...
  • (יד) What is the punishment for someone who does מלאכה on שבת?
    בְּמֵזִיד(on purpose) - stoning, בְּשׁוֹגֵג (by mistake) - he has to bring a קרבן חטאת
  • (י) What is the rule of שוֹמֵעַ כְּעוֹנֶה?
    A person can do a מצוה where one has to say words by just listening to someone else say them.
  • (ט) What proof does ר' עקיבא bring?
    רַבָּן גַּמְלִיאֵל & רַבִּי יְהוֹשֻׁעַ only shook by אָנָּא ה' הוֹשִׁיעָה נָּא
  • (יב) What did רַבָּן יוֹחָנָן בֶּן זַכַּאי decree about חָדָשׁ? Why?
    Don't eat חדש until the 3rd day of פסח, because if the בית המקדש is rebuilt, people may mistakenly eat חדש before the קרבן עומר is brought.
  • (יב) What isחָדָשׁ ?
    Grain of the new crop.
  • (ו) What are 3 other פסולים listed in the משנה?
    נִקְלַף - peeled, נִסְדַּק - split, הַכּוּשִׁי - black
  • (יג) What were they careful about that שבת? Why?
    Do recognize their לולבים. On the 1st day you must use your own לולב - "לָכֶם"
  • (ח) What proof does ר' מאיר bring? How do they answer the proof?
    The men of ירושלים tied their לולבים with golden bands. They really tied with לולב underneath and just used golden bands on top.
  • (יד) WTD: 1st day of סוכות is שבת and someone carries his לולב outside? Why?
    ר' יוסי - פטור from a קרבן since he was busy with the מצוה when he forgot.
  • (טו) What can one do with a לולב in regards to putting it into water...?
    שבת - return to the water, יום טוב - can also add water, חול המועד - should also change water
  • (יב) What is יוֹם הָנֵף referring to?
    The day the קרבן עומר was brought (2nd day of פסח) because it was waved in 4 directions.
  • (טו) When is a child חייב in the מצוה of לולב?
    When he knows how to shake it.
  • (י) WTD: Someone who in not חייב in הלל (servant/women/child) is reading הלל for an adult?
    He needs to repeat each word after them.
  • (טו) Nowadays, is one allowed to move a לולב on שבת? Why?
    No, it is מוקצה since we do not shake לולב on שבת.
  • (ז) What is the largest size of an אתרוג?
    מחלוקת: ר' יהודה - 2 אתרוגים can fit in 1 hand, ר' יוסי - even 1 that fits in 2 hands