
Asking The Right Question

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  • ___ Allison ___ went to the exhibition with me
    Who went to the exhibition with you?
  • I ___ never___ watch movies in English.
    How often do you watch movies in English?
  • I was afraid of ___ snakes___ when I was little.
    What were you afraid of when you were little?
  • ___Tom___ finished the lasagna.
    Who finished the lasagna?
  • I went to ___Harvard___ university
    Which university did you go to?
  • ___My mum___ picked me up from school when I was little.
    Who picked you up from school when you were little?
  • I learnt ___how to form questions in English___ in class the other day.
    What did you learn in class the other day?
  • ___Yes___, I had a good weekend
    Did you have a good weekend?
  • ___Yes___, my parents paid for the dinner.
    Did you parents pay for the dinner?
  • I asked her that question __because I didn't know the answer___.
    Why did you ask her that question?
  • I was born in __1978__
    When were you born?
  • Her dad was from ___Switzerland___.
    Where was her dad from?
  • I sat next to ___ Amanda___.
    Who did you sit next to?
  • ___only one litre___ of water is necessary
    How much water is necessary / How many litres of water are necessary?
  • I need ___2___ books.
    How many books do you need?
  • The party was ___ at Alfred's___.
    Where was the party?
  • I take my pills ___ twice___ a day.
    How many times a day do you take your pills? / How often do you take your pills?
  • ___Francis Ford Coppola___ directed "The Godfather".
    Who directed "The Godfather"?
  • We played against ___Chelsea___.
    Who / What team did you play against?
  • My brother was ___ at home___ last night.
    Where was your brother last night?
  • ___15___ students came to class the first day
    How many students came to class the first day?
  • ___No___, I didn't see anyone yesterday
    Did you see anyone yesterday?
  • He talked about ___the Civil War___.
    What did he talk about?