
Staying Calm Through Self-Talk: Don't Freak Out!

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  • Some students laugh at your answer to the teacher's question.
    How do you stay calm in this situation? What can you do to make the situation better?
  • Your mom says you cannot get a new skateboard for your birthday because you just got one a few months ago.
    How do you stay calm in this situation? What can you do to make the situation better?
  • The hall monitor takes your name to the principal because you are late coming inside for school, but the bell just rang.
    How do you stay calm in this situation? What can you do to make the situation better?
  • The teacher asks someone else to do a classroom job, and you really wanted to do it.
    How do you stay calm in this situation? What can you do to make the situation better?
  • Your mom lets your older sibling stay up late, but you have to go to bed.
    How do you stay calm in this situation? What can you do to make the situation better?
  • You fail your math test even after being tutored and studying very hard.
    How do you stay calm in this situation? What can you do to make the situation better?
  • The coach asks you to pitch in tonight's game, but she changes her mind and lets a different pitcher play.
    How do you stay calm in this situation? What can you do to make the situation better?
  • You are the only one not invited to Steve's birthday party tonight, and everyone is talking about it.
    How do you stay calm in this situation? What can you do to make the situation better?
  • You do not get an A on your report, but you think you deserve one because you worked really hard on it.
    How do you stay calm in this situation? What can you do to make the situation better?
  • Your teacher says that you can't use the computer right now to work on your paper, and you're afraid you'll forget what you want to write.
    How do you stay calm in this situation? What can you do to make the situation better?
  • Your dad says you cannot have a campout in the backyard, but you already told your friends to come.
    How do you stay calm in this situation? What can you do to make the situation better?
  • You hear two classmates talking about you behind your back.
    How do you stay calm in this situation? What can you do to make the situation better?
  • You have gym at a different time today and must partner with someone you don't like.
    How do you stay calm in this situation? What can you do to make the situation better?
  • Your mom puts the wrong food in your lunch bag, and you don't like it.
    How do you stay calm in this situation? What can you do to make the situation better?
  • The teacher cancels your party on Friday because a few people in the class are misbehaving, but you aren't.
    How do you stay calm in this situation? What can you do to make the situation better?
  • Your mom says it's time to come downstairs for dinner. But the videogame you're playing with your friend is tied.
    How do you stay calm in this situation? What can you do to make the situation better?
  • Your teacher says you must rewrite your paper because it is sloppy, but you think it's neat.
    How do you stay calm in this situation? What can you do to make the situation better?
  • Your teacher assigns five chapters of reading for homework, and you have plans to go to the movies tonight.
    How do you stay calm in this situation? What can you do to make the situation better?
  • You loaned your favorite video game to a friend, and it no longer works.
    How do you stay calm in this situation? What can you do to make the situation better?
  • Your speech therapy buddy always comes in first in the games and gets the best prizes.
    How do you stay calm in this situation? What can you do to make the situation better?
  • Someone makes fun of your speech, and then others in the group start talking like you and laughing.
    How do you stay calm in this situation? What can you do to make the situation better?
  • Your barber cut your hair really short after you asked him not to, and you hate it.
    How do you stay calm in this situation? What can you do to make the situation better?
  • Some kids said you cannot join their club because you don't have the same friends that they have.
    How do you stay calm in this situation? What can you do to make the situation better?
  • A kid on the bus says you are ugly, and his friends laugh. No one will sit near you on the bus.
    How do you stay calm in this situation? What can you do to make the situation better?
  • Your mom talks to you like a baby in front of your friends at the bus stop.
    How do you stay calm in this situation? What can you do to make the situation better?
  • You come in last place in the championship race after training hard all month.
    How do you stay calm in this situation? What can you do to make the situation better?