
Articles of Confederation and the Constitution

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  • What were the Federalist Papers?
    series of essays written to the public to encourage support for the new Constitution.
  • The right to a speedy trial is a protection offered under which amendment?
  • When was the Constitution ratified?
  • The Great Compromise had three parts. Those parts are:
    Bicameral Legislature, Upper house with equal representation, lower house with population based representation
  • What does the 4th Amendment protect from?
    Search and Seizure
  • the New Jersey Plan proposed a Legislature based on _______________.
    equal representation
  • The Federalists supported what?
    Immediate ratification of the Constitution
  • The catalyst for the Constitutional Convention.
    Shay's Rebellion
  • In addition to creating a pathway to statehood, the Northwest Ordinance of 1787 outlawed this in new states.
  • The two major issues at the Constitutional Convention.
    Representation and Slavery
  • Who championed the Great Compromise?
    Roger Sherman
  • The conflict of Slavery was resolved by the ____________________.
    Three-Fifths Compromise
  • What was the effect of Shay's Rebellion on the founders of the Constitution?
    It brought to light the problems with the AoC and highlighted the need to change or amend it.
  • The Miranda Rights are an extension of which 2 amendments?
    5th & 6th
  • Which Amendment guarantees the states have any power not specifically given to the federal government?
  • The 2nd Amendment states that every American citizen has the right to ________________.
    Bear arms
  • The Three-Fifths Compromise settled the issue of slavery by counting each slave as 3/5ths of a person for voting and taxing purposes. It also ensured what else would not/happen?
    Congress would not interfere with slave trade for at least 20 years.
  • How many states attended the Constitutional Convention?
  • The Amendment that is largely forgotten and not used today is _________________.
    The 3rd Amendment (no quartering of Troops)
  • What is the 9th Amendment?
    Guarantees that individual rights not listed in the Bill of Rights are not taken away (watching TV)
  • Under the AoC, power was concentrated in the _________.
    state governement
  • What is a Bicameral Legislature?
    A congress made up of an upper house based with equal representation and a lower house based on population.
  • The AoC required how many votes to pass a new law, and how many to amend a law?
    9/13, 13/13
  • This image represents a core belief of which Amendment?
  • What is Due Process and what does it ensure?
    Established and complete legal procedures, including individual rights. Ensures that everyone has a fair chance for defense under accusation of a crime
  • Under the Articles of Confederation, how many votes did each state get in Congress?
  • What is Federalism?
    Division of power between central government and local/state government
  • Who presided over the Constitutional Convention?
    George Washington
  • The 5th Amendment provides individuals protection from ________________.
    the federal government
  • the Virginia Plan proposed a Legislature based on _______________.
    each state's population
  • Under the Articles of Confederation, how were representatives chosen for the national congress?
    by the state legislatures
  • The AoC set up this structure of Legislative branch.
  • Bicameral legislature with membership based on each state’s population was part of what proposed plan at the Constitutional Convention?
    Virginia Plan
  • The resolution between the Virginia Plan and the New Jersey Plan was called ____________.
    The Great Compromise
  • To ensure the country was not fully reliant on a popular vote, the President is elected via _________________________.
    The Electoral College
  • The inclusion of the Bill of Rights was the demand of which side in the Constitutional Debate?
  • Under the AoC, Congress was unable to _______ _______ to pay for the government.
    levy taxes
  • What year was the Articles of Confederation finished?
  • The concept of three branches of government comes from the idea of _____________________.
    Separation of Powers
  • "Double Jeopardy" falls under the protection of which amendment?
  • Unicameral legislature with membership based on equal representation was part of what proposed plan at the Constitutional Convention?
    New Jersey Plan
  • the Federal Government was divided into these three branches
    Executive, Legislative, Judicial
  • A system to ensure one branch of government doesn't gain too much power is called ______________________.
    Checks and Balances
  • How long did it take to abandon the idea of revising the AoC at the Constitutional Convention?
    5 days
  • the conflict of slavery was based around the issues of ___________ & _____________.
    representation and taxes
  • What year was the Constitutional Convention held?
  • RAPPS stand for what?
    Religion, Assembly, Press, Petition, Speech
  • This law originally allowed settlers to purchase land plots to farm.
    Land Ordinance of 1785
  • The Articles of Confederation set up what kind of government in the US?
  • This law allowed new territories to become states with 60,000 settlers.
    Northwest Ordinance of 1787
  • On school grounds, you have far less protections under the 4th Amendment. Why is that?
    Public health and safety