

  •   0%
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  • What does the dog do on the weekend? 80%
    He usually plays video games.
  • What do they do in the week? 0%
    They never go to the zoo.
  • What do you do in the week? 80%
    I swim in a pool.
  • What do you do on the weekend? 40%
    I sometimes takes photos.
  • What does he do in the week? 80%
    He always plays outside.
  • What does she do in the week? 0%
    She never practices the piano.
  • What does he do in the week? 40%
    He sometimes drives a Ferrari.
  • What does she do in the week? 100%
    She always walks the dog.
  • What does the cat do on the weekend? 100%
    He always rides a motorbike.
  • What do they do on the weekend? 0%
    They never read books.