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  • Would you like to study abroad? Where?
    Personal answer
  • Give 1 advantage of being a bilingual person.
    Personal answer
  • Make a question with: TO INTEND
    Personal answer
  • Guess the word: IPLOT
    Pilot = Now make a sentence
  • Make a question with: WH + TO BRING
  • What word can we use to express what we think it's the right thing to do?
    HAD BETTER = Make a sentence
  • Make a question to this answer: You'd better not smoke inside.
    Had I better smoke here?
  • Make a question IN THE PAST with TRAVEL
  • Make a question with: CAN + TO DELETE
  • Guess the word: TRAITS
    ARTIST = Make a sentence
  • What word can we use for obligations imposed by rules or laws?
    HAVE TO (Make an affirmative sentence)
  • What word can we use to give ADVICES? (Suggestions)
    SHOULD (Make a sentence with TRY)
  • Make a question IN THE PAST with LIVE
  • What had I better do to pass the test?
    Personal answer
  • How much water do you drink a day?
    Personal answer
  • How much salt do you like on your food?
    Personal answer
  • How should I travel to the USA?
    Personal answer with SHOULD
  • How many classmates do you have?
    Personal answer
  • Look at the image and make a sentence with SHOULD
    Personal answer
  • What must I do to be healthier?
    Personal answer
  • Make a sentence: TO DELIVER
  • Guess the word: DNTSITE
    Dentist = Now make a question
  • What do I have to do to get a raise in my salary?
    Personal answer with HAVE TO
  • Look at the image and make a sentence with HAD BETTER
    Personal answer
  • Change to past: They advertise their new business on the local newspaper
    They advertised their new business on the local newspaper
  • Who is the most organized person in your family?
    Personal answer