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  • Luka is _____ person I know. A the friendlyest  B more friendly  C the friendliest 
    C the friendliest 
  • There are too many sweets and snacks in your _____. A date  B diet  C eating 
    B diet
  • Don’t forget to wear _____ when you go on the beach. A sunbathe  B glasses  C sunscreen 
    C sunscreen 
  • A lot of people don’t have a _____ lifestyle. A health  B healthy  C healthful 
    B healthy
  • The market was too _____ so we found a place with fewer people. A empty  B modern  C crowded 
    C crowded 
  • This is the _____ summer we’ve ever had! A worse  B baddest  C worst 
    C worst 
  • That part of town is _____. These streets are safer. A empty  B dangerous  C noisy 
    B dangerous
  • There are too _____ cars on this road. There’s nowhere to park. A much  B many  C enough 
    B many
  • My new boss isn’t _____ nice as my old one. A more  B as  C the 
  • A How much butter is there in the fridge? B Only a _____. A little  B few  C none 
    A little
  • Having one or two coffees a day can be good _____ you. A to  B for  C on 
    B for
  • You’re _____ at work than I am. A busy  B busier  C more busy 
    B busier
  • This mobile phone is _____ expensive than that one. A more  B most  C the most 
    C the most 
  • I’m not very hungry, so I don’t want to eat _____ food. A too much  B too many  C too 
    A too much
  • He plays computer games _____. A lot  B a lot  C a lot of 
    B a lot
  • Do you play tennis as _____ as your sister? A best  B better  C well 
    C well 
  • I need to go to the gym. I don’t _____ exercise. A do enough  B too much do  C enough do 
    A do enough
  • There was too _____ noise in the office. A much of  B many  C much 
    C much 
  • This city is too _____. We’re going to move to a cleaner place. A dangerous  B polluted  C populated 
    B polluted
  • We don’t enjoy swimming in the sea. It’s_____ cold. A too much  B a few  C too 
    C too 
  • Barcelona is _____ exciting city I’ve been to. A most  B the most  C more 
    B the most
  • Your flat is smaller _____ mine. A than  B then  C as 
    A than
  • It’s the _____ city in the world. A crowded  B most crowded  C more crowded 
    B most crowded
  • It was the best holiday we’ve _____ had. A ever  B just  C never 
    A ever
  • My parents drive _____ than I do. A more slowly  B more slow  C more slower 
    A more slowly
  • This flat isn’t _____. We need a larger one. A enough big  B big enough  C too big 
    B big enough
  • This city has a _____ of around 250,000. A population  B people  C tourists 
    A population
  • He’s speaking _____ quietly for me to hear him. A so  B too  C enough 