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  • 不用
    bú yòng - need not; no need
  • fēn - cent
  • huàn - to change, exchange
  • 比较
    bǐ jiào - comparatively
  • tiáo - measure word for pants and long, thin objects
  • 不行
    bùxíng • not be allowed; won't do
  • 刷卡
    shuā kǎ to pay with a credit card
  • 合适
    hé shì - suitable, appropriate
  • 样子
    yàng zi - style, look
  • jiàn - measure word for clothes
  • guì - expensive
  • 逛街
    guàng jiē - to go shopping
  • 售货员
    shòu huò yuán - shop assistant; salesperson
  • 东西
    dōng xi - things, stuff
  • 便宜
    pián yi - cheap
  • kuài - dollar
  • 挺好的
    tǐng hǎo de - pretty good
  • 信用卡
    xìn yòng kǎ - credit card
  • 找 (钱)
    zhǎo - give change
  • tài - too
  • 一共
    yí gòng - altogether; in all
  • 不用
    bú yòng - need not; no need
  • 一点
    yī diǎn - a little bit
  • 不过
    bú guò - however; but
  • 打折
    dǎ zhé - to give a discount
  • shì - to try
  • máo - 10 cents, a dime
  • 付钱
    fù qián - to pay money