
Review A2-A class 1

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  • present, past and past participle of the verb enviar
    send, sent, sent
  • present, past, past participle of the verb encontrar
    find found found
  • ______ you visit the Art museum on your last school trip?
  • (was/does) it raining all the weekend?
  • what/you/ last Sunday?
    did you eat
  • present, past, past participle of the verb pagar
    pay, paid, paid
  • They (come/came) yesterday night.
  • I ____ an important football match yesterday
    played / had
  • John _______the dishes right now
    is washing
  • I think I am __________ intelligent _______ my classmates.
    more intelligent than as intelligent as
  • I __________ (no/ watch) cartoon when I was little.
    didn´t use to watch
  • _______ you older than your teacher?
  • how often/your mother/dinner?
    does your mother cook
  • what/your favorite childhood game?
    is / was /
  • Metion 3 habits you used to have when you were a kid.
    I used to play video games. ..
  • She _______________ French and Italian when she was at college.
    was studying / used to study