
Would You Rather with initial /l/

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  • Would you rather be extra large or extra little?
  • Would you rather build Legos or write a letter?
  • Would you rather work as a librarian or lifeguard?
  • Would you rather eat a lime or a lemon?
  • Would you rather visit London or Los Angeles?
  • Would you rather eat blackberries or lettuce?
  • Would you rather have lobster claws or lion paws for hands?
  • Would you rather lick your shoes or lick the ground?
  • Would you rather do laundry or pet a lion?
  • Would you rather be a lumberjack or a lawyer?
  • Would you rather listen to music or listen to silence?
  • Would you rather use a lasso or a laser?
  • Would you rather rake the leaves or mow the lawn?
  • Would you rather have late breakfast or lunch?
  • Would you rather have a lazy day or lucky day?
  • Would you rather lose a leg or lose your lips?
  • Would you rather have a pet lizard or a ladybug?
  • Would you rather swim in a lake or stay on land?