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  • mammoth
    very large/ gigantyczny
  • comfort
    to make someone feel better when they are anxious or sad/ pocieszać
  • infectious
    An infectious disease can be passed from one person to another./ zakaźny
  • cherish
    to love someone or something very much and take care of them/ hołubić, pielęgnować
  • catch up on/with sth
    to do something that you did not have time to do earlier/ nadrabiać zaległości w
  • apprenticeship
    a period of time when someone learns the skills needed to do a job by working for someone who already has skills and experience/ praktyka
  • hold
    to keep something in a particular position/ przytrzymać, trzymać
  • a wild accusation/guess/rumour, etc
    something that you say which is not based on facts and is probably wrong/ bezpodstawn-e/a oskarżenie/przypuszczenie/plotka
  • efficient
    working well and not wasting time or energy/ wydajny, sprawny
  • demand
    a need for something to be sold or supplied/ popyt
  • tempting
    Something that is tempting makes you want to have or do it./ kuszący
  • not have a clue
    to be completely unable to guess, understand, or deal with something/ nie mieć pojęcia
  • sort sth out
    to successfully deal with something, such as a problem or difficult situation/ załatwić
  • fag
    a slang word for a cigarette/ ćmik
  • insult
    to say or do something to someone that is rude and offensive/ obrażać, znieważać
  • offensive
    likely to make people angry or upset/ obraźliwy
  • realm
    a country that has a king or queen/ królestwo
  • downturn
    a period when a business or economy becomes less successful/ załamanie
  • put the brakes on
    to slow down or stop an activity/
  • profound
    If a feeling is profound, you feel it very strongly./ głęboki
  • pitch
    to try to persuade someone to do something/ zachwalać, reklamować
  • concern
    to worry or upset someone/ martwić
  • a dog's breakfast
    something or someone that looks extremely untidy, or something that is very badly done/
  • spare sb's life
    to not kill someone/ darować
  • brand new
    completely new/ fabrycznie nowy
  • inferior
    not good, or not as good as someone or something else/ gorszy, pośledni
  • sustain
    to cause or allow something to continue for a period of time/ podtrzymywać, utrzymywać
  • flock
    to move or come together in large numbers/ przybywać tłumnie, tłoczyć się
  • frown
    to make your face show that you are annoyed or worried by moving your eyebrows (= lines of hair above your eyes)/ marszczyć brwi
  • envy
    to wish that you had something that someone else has/ zazdrościć
  • feast your eyes on something/someone
    to look at someone or something with great enjoyment/
  • concern
    to involve someone or be important to them/ dotyczyć, interesować
  • gain
    to get something useful or positive/ zyskać, uzyskać
  • pitch
    the things someone says in order to persuade you to do something/ sposób reklamy
  • tibia
    the thick inside bone in a person's leg, between the knee and the foot/ piszczel
  • alternative
    one of two or more things that you can choose between/ alternatywa
  • take over
    to take control (of)/ przejmować
  • hesitate
    to pause before doing something, especially because you are nervous or not certain/ wahać się
  • brag
    to talk with too much pride about what you have done or what you own/ chwalić się, przechwalać się
  • the ins and outs
    all the details and facts about something/ szczegóły
  • nosy
    always trying to find out private things about other people/ wścibski
  • inappropriate
    not suitable/ niewłaściwy, niestosowny
  • extinct
    If a type of animal is extinct, it does not now exist./ wymarły
  • assume
    to think that something is likely to be true, although you have no proof/ zakładać
  • clue
    a sign or a piece of information that helps you to solve a problem or answer a question/ wskazówka
  • mother tongue
    the first language that you learn when you are a child/ język ojczysty
  • MA
    abbreviation for Master of Arts: a higher university qualification in an arts (= not science) subject/ mgr
  • mourn
    to feel very sad because someone has died/ być w żałobie , opłakiwać
  • make up one's mind
    to make a decision/ zdecydować się
  • mitten
    a type of glove with a single part for all the fingers and a separate part for the thumb/
  • second-guess
    to guess what someone will do in the future/ przejrzeć
  • fist
    a hand closed into a ball with the fingers and thumb curled tightly together/ pięść
  • authentic
    If something is authentic, it is real, true, or what people say it is./ autentyczny
  • noughts and crosses
    a game in which the players try to make a line of three noughts or crosses between vertical and horizontal lines/ 'kółko i krzyżyk'
  • the Commonwealth
    Britain and the group of countries that used to be in the British Empire (= ruled by Britain)/ Wspólnota Narodów
  • amount
    to add up to/ opiewać na, wynosić
  • food for thought
    something worth thinking seriously about/
  • sitting pretty
    in a good situation/
  • mean
    A mean person does not like spending money, especially on other people./ skąpy
  • BA
    abbreviation for Bachelor of Arts: a university or college qualification in an arts (= not science) subject that usually takes 3 or 4 years of study/...