
U9 lesson 2

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  • What does DNA evidence suggest?
    that they came from Polynesia
  • How did Heyerdahl prove that the theory that the inhabitants of RapaNui coming from South America was possible?
    by successfully sailing a raft on that route
  • Is the information in the article factual?
    No, it proposes various theories
  • to be shrouded in mystery means ( lots of information about something/ little information about it)
  • Some phrases for 'Not certain'
    Maybe, It's possible that, I wonder if
  • How do the stone figures get there?
    It's a mystery
  • Some phrases for almost certain
    most likely, probably, I'll bet, I suppose
  • What theory did Heyerdahl have about the inhabitants of Râp Nui?
    They came from South America
  • What is another name for Rapa Nui?
    Easter Island
  • some phrases for 'Very certain'
    Clearly, It's obvious that, There's no question that,
  • What is Rapa Nui famous for?
    Its huge stone figures
  • According to the reading, a famous huge stone is called a....