
Speakout Unit 3

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  • translate into Dutch: to complain
  • What is meant by: you're a dark horse
    je hebt veel geheimen
  • translate into English: vergelijken
    to compare
  • Name five things you normally find in the kitchen.
    spoon, fork, knife, herbs, food, vegetables, plate, cooking pots, stove, oven, dishwasher, fridge, kitchen tools, cutlery,
  • a or an: house
    a house
  • translate into Dutch: according to
  • translate into English: in de nabije toekomst
    in the near future
  • Last week Heracles scored much / many goals. Choose!
  • Explain in English the expression: we're in hot water
    to be in trouble, to have problems
  • Describe in English: "to meet a deadline"
    to get a job done before a certain date or moment
  • Translate into Dutch: impressive
  • Explain in English: to get out the rat race
    to quit a lifestyle that is mainly concerned with money and status.
  • translate into English: solliciteren
    to apply for a job
  • Translate into Dutch: to rely on
    rekenen op, vertrouwen op
  • translate into Dutch: separate
    gescheiden, apart
  • Explain the English expression: a piece of cake
    a very easy task
  • a or an: useful device
    a useful device
  • translate into Dutch: to put off
  • a or a: hour
    an hour
  • Name five countries in Europe
    France, Italy, Germany, Belgium, England, Ireland, Scotland, Wales, Poland, Sweden, Norway
  • a or an: university
    a university
  • a or an: umbrella
    an umbrella
  • What is the past time of go?
  • Name three countries with an -A-
    Afghanistan, Albania, Algeria, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Austria, Australia, Andorra, Angola
  • translate into English: waarschijnlijk
    it is likely, probably
  • Translate into English: herkennen
    to recognize
  • Explain what in English what it means when something is close to your heart.
    Something that is important to you, or dear. Something that has emotional value.
  • translate into Dutch: prediction
  • what is the English expression for: te weinig tijd hebben
    running out of time, te be short of time,
  • There is a / an huge mistake in this quiz.
    a huge mistake
  • Name five English speaking countries
    England, United States, Scotland, Ireland, Wales, Northern Ireland, Kenia, Canada, Jamaica, Singapore