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  • The Canary Islands in the Atlantic Ocean are named after which animal? (the canary/ the dog/ the cat/ the camel)
    the dog
  • What color is a male purple finch? ( dark purple/ pinlish red/ sky blue/ white)
  • What country do Chinese gooseberries come from? (China, Japan, Sweden, New Zealand)
    New Zealand
  • What was King George VI of England's first name? (George/ Charles/ Joseph/ Albert)
  • Where do Panama hats come from? (Panama/ The Philippines/ Ecuador/ Italy)
  • 3. From which animals do we get catcut for violin strings? (cats/ sheeps/ shark/ dogs))
  • How long did the Thirty Years' War in the Europe last? (30 years/ 40 years/ 20 years/ 100 years)
    30 years
  • The former U.S.S.R used to celebrate the October Revolution in which month? (October/ November/ December/ June)
  • How long did the Hundred Years' War in the Western Europe last? 100/116/50/200 years
    116 years
  • What is a camel hair paintbrush made of? (Camel hair/ Squirrel hair/ Cat hair/ Human hair)
    Squirrel hair