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  • Jane is ....... She tells everybody what to do.
  • Хорошая попытка!
    Nice try!
  • What's she doing?
    She's feeding the dog
  • What's she doing?
    She's setting the table
  • I'm not going to work today. Today is my .....
    day off
  • What are the birds doing?
    They are making the bed
  • Тебе нужна помощь?
    Do you need any help?
  • What's he doing?
    He's vacuuming
  • What's she doing?
    She's feeding the dog
  • Susan is ..... She neves makes a noise.
  • What's he doing?
    He's watering the plants
  • What's he doing?
    He's take out the rubbish
  • My dog is very ... . He can wait for me for hours.
  • What are they doing?
    They are clearing the table.
  • What's she doing?
    She's putting her clothes away
  • Ты можешь помочь мне с диваном?
    Can you help me with the sofa, please?
  • What's he doing?
    He's ironing his shirt.
  • Aunt Jane is an person. She is never bossy or angry.
  • My room is not alaways ..... , It can be really .... sometimes.
    tidy, messy
  • What's the dog doing?
    It's loading the dishwasher
  • What do you do when the dishes are clean.
    We empty the dishwasher.
  • My sister is .... She likes planning things, and she's always on time.
  • I can do it ....
    on my own
  • These people are making a lot of noise. They are too ..... .
  • What's he doing?
    He's hanging out the washing