
English quiz 4

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  • What flag is this?
    Germany (Jerman 德国)
  • He _____(menyembelih 宰杀) a chicken for dinner.
  • **Buy a bottle of water** transitive or intransitive verb?
    Transitive verb
  • What is this?
    Firecrackers (mercun 鞭炮)
  • What vegetable is this?
    Bitter gourd (peria 苦瓜)
  • What country is this? (Tip: South America)
    Uruguay (乌拉圭)
  • What city is this?
  • What sport is this?
    Gymnastics (gimnastik 体操)
  • **talking very loud** transitive or intransitive verb?
    Intransitive verb
  • What flag is this?
    Brunei (汶莱)
  • What logo is this? (Tip: Bank)
    Bank Rakyat
  • **Come from Johor Bahru** transitive or intransitive verb?
    Intransitive verb
  • **Ringgit** Countable or uncountable?
  • **Cooking oil** Countable or uncountable?
  • What logo is this? (Tip: online shopping)
  • What city is this? (Tip: in Malaysia)
    Kuala Lumpur
  • What logo is this? (Tip: car)
    Daihatsu (大发)
  • **Watching a movie** transitive or intransitive verb?
    Transitive verb
  • What city is this? (Tip: in Malaysia)
    Kota Bharu, Kelantan
  • What logo is this? (Tip: insurance)
  • What animal is this? *full name*
  • What city is this? (Tip: in USA, Hollywood)
    Los Angeles (洛杉矶)
  • What logo is this?
    Mozilla Firefox
  • What is this? (2 words)
    Mosquito repellent / spray
  • What sport is this?
    Curling (冰壶)
  • What transport is this?
    Train (keretapi 火车)
  • What fruit is this?
  • What logo is this? (Tip: racing car)
  • What job is this? (Tip: repair pipes, 1 word)
  • What insect is this?
    Centipede (lipan 蜈蚣)
  • Capital city of Laos
    Vientiane (万象)
  • Chili tastes _____ (pedas 辣).
  • What fruit is this?
    Dragon fruit / pitahaya (龙珠果)
  • What insect is this?
    Dragonfly (pepatung 蜻蜓)
  • What is this? (Tip: 4x100m)
  • What flag is this?
  • Who is him? (Tip: North Korea)
    Kim Jong Un (金正恩)
  • What is this?
    Rubber stamp
  • What animal is this?
    Turtle (penyu 海龟)
  • What is this?
  • What is this?
    Broom (penyapu 扫把)
  • What sport is this? (2 words)
    Beach volleyball (bola tampar pantai 沙滩排球)
  • What sport is this?
    Tug of war (tarik tali 拔河)
  • What vegetable is this? (Tip: white carrot)
  • **I am sleeping.** transitive or intransitive verb?
    Intransitive verb
  • What logo is this? (Tip: Stationery)
  • What flag is this?
    Iran (伊朗)
  • What sport is this?
    Fencing (lawan pedang 击剑)
  • **Oranges** Countable or uncountable?
  • What place is this? (Tip: popular island in Indonesia)
    Bali (巴厘岛)
  • What animal is this?
    Jellyfish (obor-obor 水母)
  • What is this? (Tip: starts with "S")
    Syringe (jarum 针孔)
  • What logo is this? (Tip: coffee)
    Ah Huat (阿发) coffee
  • There is oil on the floor. It is very _____(adjective).
    Slippery (licin 滑)
  • What is this?
  • Who is him? (Tip: pengantin lelaki 新郎)
  • What sport is this?
    High jump (lompat tinggi 跳高)
  • What animal is this? *full name*
  • **Boys** Countable or uncountable?
  • What cartoon character is this?
    Peppa Pig
  • What sport is this?
    Archery (memanah 射箭)
  • What flag is this?
    Netherlands (Belanda 荷兰)
  • What weapon is this?
    Spear (lembing 矛)
  • Capital city of Vietnam
    Hanoi (河内)
  • What flag is this?
    Australia (澳大利亚)
  • What sport is this? (Chinese: 铁人三项)
  • What cartoon character is this?
    SpongeBob SquarePants
  • What logo is this? (Tip: Basketball, from USA)
  • What flag is this?
    Bangladesh (孟加拉)
  • What is this place?
    Harbour (pelabuhan 港口)
  • What sport is this?
    Water polo (polo air 水球)
  • What Olympic sport is this?
    Gymnastics (gimnastik 体操)
  • What logo is this? (Tip: electrical appliance)
  • What playground item is this?
    Swing (buaian 秋千)
  • What logo is this? (tip: racing)
    Formula 1 / F1
  • What is the full name of MCO?
    Movement Control Order (Perintah Kawalan Pergerakan 行动管制令)
  • What logo is this? (Tip: magazine, TV channel)
    National Geographic (国家地理)
  • What logo is this?
    CIMB Bank
  • What Olympic sport is this?
    Discus throwing (lempar cakera 掷铁饼)
  • I put too much salt in my soup. It is very _____ (masin 咸).
  • The flowers smell _____(wangi 香).
  • What sport is this? (2 words)
    Beach football (bola sepak pantai 沙滩足球)
  • What is this?
  • What is this?
    Axe (kapak 斧头)
  • When you ___, you run at maximum speed. (Tip: starts with 'S')
  • **Money** Countable or uncountable?
  • I pour ___(pekat 浓缩) milk into my tea.
    Condensed / concentrated
  • What fruit is this?
  • What drink is this? (Tip: coffee, no sugar & milk, very bitter)
  • What flag is this?
    Denmark (丹麦)
  • What city is this? (Tip: in Malaysia)
    Kuantan, Pahang
  • What sport is this? (tip: starts with "E", 1 word)
    Equestrian (ekruestrian 马术)
  • What logo is this? (Tip: electricity company in Malaysia)
    Tenaga Nasional Berhad (TNB)
  • **I am drinking water.** transitive or intransitive verb?
    Transitive verb
  • **Fried chicken** Countable or uncountable?
  • What logo is this? (Tip: sports, from Japan)
  • What is this cooking utensil?
  • What logo is this? (Tip: racing car)
  • What country is this? (central America)
    Guatemala (危地马拉)
  • What flag is this?
    Iraq (伊拉克)
  • What sport is this?
    Handball (bola baling 手球)
  • What flag is this?
    Russia (Rusia 俄罗斯)
  • What flag is this?
    Portugal (葡萄牙)
  • What extreme sport is this?
    Mountain / Rock climbing (memanjat gunung 攀岩)
  • What sport is this? *not football*
    Futsal (室内5人足球)
  • What sport is this?
    Shot put (lontar peluru 掷铅球)
  • What bird is this?
    Ostrich (burung unta 鸵鸟)
  • What logo is this?
  • What are they playing?
  • Capital city of Philippines
    Manila (马尼拉)
  • What logo is this? (Tip: music)
  • Panadol tastes _____ (pahit 苦).
  • What sport is this?
    Wrestling (Gusti 摔跤)
  • What flag is this?
    Spain (Sepanyol 西班牙)
  • What is this?
  • What is this?
    Stretcher (pengusung 担架)
  • What is this?
  • What flag is this?
    Czech Republic (捷克)
  • What Olympic sport is this?
    Shooting (menembak 射击)
  • What Olympic sport is this?
    Diving (sukan terjun 跳水)
  • What Olympic sport is this?
    Weight lifting
  • What sport is this?
  • Who is she? (Tip: pengantin perempuan 新娘)
  • What logo is this? (Tip: Bank)
    Bank Simpanan Nasional (BSN)
  • What is this? (Tip: In Xian, China, 2 words)
    Terracotta army
  • What is this?
    Dustpan (penyodok 畚斗)
  • What is this?
    Compass (kompas 指南针)
  • This apple is _____ (basi 腐烂).
  • What cartoon characters are them?
    Powerpuff Girls
  • Capital city of Cambodia
    Phnom Penh (金边)
  • What is this?
  • My brother ___ his facial hair everyday.
  • What sports equipment is this? (2 words)
    Agility / speed ladder (敏捷梯)
  • What fruit is this?
    Jackfruit (nangka 菠萝蜜)
  • What Olympic sport is this?
    Bobsleigh (lumba kereta gelongsor 雪橇)
  • What are they playing?
    Seesaw (跷跷板)
  • What city is this?
    New York
  • What weapon is this?
    Trident (trisula 三叉戟)
  • What is this? (2 words)
    Space shuttle (kapal angkasa 太空穿梭机)
  • What logo is this?
    Internet Explorer
  • **Music** Countable or uncountable?
  • **reading a book** transitive or intransitive verb?
    Transitive verb
  • What is this?
  • What Olympic sport is this?
    Sailing (belayar 帆船运动)
  • What animal is this?
    Whale (ikan paus 鲸鱼)
  • What sport is this?
    Long jump (lompat jauh 跳远)
  • What city is this?
    Prague (布拉格), Czech Republic (捷克)
  • What logo is this? (tip: motorcycle, music)
  • What flag is this? (Tip: group, not a country, )
    European Union (欧盟)
  • What sports equipment is this?
    Treadmill (跑步机)
  • What is this place? (Tip: in China)
    Tibet (西藏)
  • What city is this?
    Washington (华盛顿), USA
  • What logo is this?
    Sushi King
  • **I am eating now.** transitive or intransitive verb?
    Intransitive verb
  • What is this? (Tip: Egypt)
    Mummy (mumia 木乃伊)
  • What Olympic sport is this?
    Shot put (lontar peluru 掷铅球)
  • What city is this? (Tip: USA)
    Washington (华盛顿)
  • **Story books** Countable or uncountable?
  • What logo is this? (tip: motorcycle)
    Suzuki (铃木)
  • What fruit is this?
  • What logo is this?
  • What vegetable is this? *besides eggplant*
    Brinjal (Terung 茄子)
  • What sport equipment is she using? (2 words)
    Battle rope (战绳)
  • What country is this? (Southeast Asia)
    Timor Leste / East Timor (东帝汶)
  • "Ah Long" (lintah darat 大耳窿) in English
    Loan sharks
  • What flag is this?
    Argentina (阿根廷)
  • **sleeping at night** transitive or intransitive verb?
    Intransitive verb
  • What sport is this?
    Judo (柔道)
  • What sport is this?
    Weightlifting (mengangkat berat 举重)
  • This book is quite _____(tebal 厚).
  • What is this? **not dumbbell**
  • What flag is this?
    Indonesia (印尼)
  • What sport is this? (swimming -> cycling -> running)
    Triathlon (铁人三项)
  • What logo is this?
  • What Olympic sport is this?
    Water polo (水球)
  • Capital city of Indonesia
    Jakarta (雅加达)
  • What sport is this?
    Pole vault (lompat bergalah 撑杆跳)
  • What is this?
    Trampoline (弹跳床)
  • What logo is this? (Tip: Pencil)
  • What sport is this?
    Javelin throw (rejam lembing 掷标杆)
  • What city is this?
    Paris, France
  • What logo is this?
    HSBC Bank
  • **Go to the shopping mall** transitive or intransitive verb?
    Intransitive verb
  • What animal is this? (Tip: not monkey, starts with "B")
    Baboon (babun 狒狒)
  • Sweet and ___(masam 酸) pork
  • What fruit is this?
  • What logo is this?
  • I watch a movie in a _____(pawagam 电影院)
  • **Basketball** Countable or uncountable?
  • What sport equipment is she using? (2 words)
    Exercise / Yoga ball (瑜伽球)
  • What logo is this? (Tip: Bank)
  • What bird is this?
    Crow (burung gagak 乌鸦)