
MCS 109 2023-2024 P1

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  • The most common site of ectopic pregancy
    Fallopian Tube (ampulla)
  • It occurs when a fertilized egg implants and grows outside the main cavity of the uterus.
    Ectopic Pregnancy
  • TRUE OR FALSE: Abortion is a medical term for the disruption of a pregnancy before the fetus reaches its viable age of less than 20 to 24 weeks of gestation or weighs greater than 500g.
  • Labor that is completed within 3 hours or cervical dilatation that occurs at a rate of 5 cm or more per hour
  • Mode of birth delivery for placenta previa centralis
    Cesarean section
  • Dysfunction in labor that the contractions become ineffective during the first stage of labor, the labor lasts longer than 20 hours in a nullipara or 14 hours in a multipara
    Prolonged latent phase
  • Given to patients with incompetent cervix a pregnancy hormone that helps to prevent premature contractions and birth (it also benefits the growing baby in a variety of other ways).
    Progesterone Treatment
  • Show your talent!!
    Galing Mo!!!
  • When the embryo/fetus is already died but still remain in the uterine cavity for a period of time without symptoms of miscarriage
    Missed Abortion
  • Kakanta or Kakanta??
  • A type of cervical cerclage that is placed or executed prior pregnancy
    Transabdominal cerclage
  • It is a prophylaxis or treatment for malignancy of the hydatidiform
  • Ikaw na!!!!
  • Terms used to describe a difficult labor pattern that deviates from that observed in the majority of women who have spontaneous vaginal deliveries.
  • A condition wherein the placenta grows normally with little or no growth of the fetal tissue.
    Gestational Trophoblastic Disease (Hydatidiform Mole)
  • Contractions that are too frequent but uncoordinated, the uterus does not relax completely in between contractions & contractions are more painful but ineffective.
    Hypertonic Uterine Contractions
  • It has classical sign of painless contractions and passage of bright red vaginal bleeding
    Placenta Previa
  • Abortion that is complicated by infection
  • Mode of birth delivery for patients with Placenta Previa lateralis/low lying
    Vaginal Delivery
  • The expulsion of a part (usually the fetus) of the product of conception & the retention of other parts in utero.
    Incomplete Abortion
  • Give one management for ectopic pregnancy
    Methotrexate/Surgery (Salphigectomy/Salphingostomy
  • It refers to uterine activity that is either not sufficiently strong or not appropriately coordinated to dilate the cervix and expel the fetus.
    Hypotonic Uterine Contractions
  • What type of placenta previa is being shown?
    Marginal Placenta