
/s/ blends and Idioms

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  • Good things come to those who wait
    Be patient
  • Slow
  • Scooter
  • Swan
  • No pain, no gain
    You have to put in work to get something that you want
  • Break a leg
    good luck
  • Your guess is as good as mine
    I have no idea
  • Smoothie
  • Better late than never
    Better arrive late than not at all
  • Sweep
  • Snowman
  • Snail
  • Stone
  • So far so good
    Things are going well so far
  • Blessing in disguise
    Something good that seemed to be bad at first
  • Slippers
  • Easy does it
    Slow down/calm down
  • Hit the sack
    Go to bed
  • Give someone the cold shoulder
    Ignore someone
  • Once in a blue moon
  • Stamp
  • Add insult to injury
    To make something worse
  • Spider
  • Scorpion
  • Skateboard
  • Pull someone's leg
    Joke around with someone
  • Skull
  • Sleep
  • Spoon
  • Don't give up your day job
    You're not very good at this
  • Space
  • By the skin of your teeth
    Just barely
  • Star
  • Sled
  • Piece of cake
  • School
  • Swim
  • You can say that again
    I agree
  • Hang in there
    Don't give up
  • Smell
  • Costs an arm and a leg
    It's expensive
  • Call it a day
    Stop working on something
  • You're on thin ice
    One more mistake and you're in trouble
  • Wrap your head around something
    Understand something (usually complicated)
  • Hit the nail on the head
    You got something exactly right
  • That's my last straw
    My patience has ran out
  • Snake
  • Smile