
Earth and Space Science 8.2

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  • Mid-level clouds have an altitude of....
    2.0 - 7.0 km (6,500-23,000 ft)
  • This fog is formed when moist winds blow up a gentle slope. As the air climbs, it expands and adiabatically cools, creating fog.
    upslope fog
  • These clouds are "high and extended"
  • Almond-shaped cloud
    lenticular cloud
  • In the upper troposphere, where temperatures are very cold, airplanes often produce their own artificial clouds known as.....
    contrails, short for condensation trails
  • "extended curls"
  • How long does upslope fog often cover an area?
    for several days
  • The type of fog that forms when a warm, humid breeze blows over a cold surface is called what?
    advection fog
  • When an advection fog forms over cold ocean water, it is a ....
    sea fog
  • How do stratus clouds form?
    When a large body of warm, moist air rises gradually, causing water vapor to condense into a horizontal cloud layer.
  • Most frequent clouds, form a low, heavy layer of puffy gray clouds.
  • These clouds are known as "extended heaps".
  • These clouds have a pattern resembling fish scales, sailors used to call this pattern of clouds a "mackerel sky"
  • When water vapor condenses in the layer of air near the ground, it creates...
  • Most clouds result from......
    adiabatic cooling of moist air
  • What kind of percipitation do stratus clouds sometimes produce?
    light rain or even snow
  • radiation fog that extends no more than 2m (6ft)
    shallow fog
  • This fog forms when winds heated by warm ocean waters travel over cool ocean waters.
    sea fog
  • In stratocumulus clouds, the horizontal layer forms similarly to ........ ......., while the cumulus characteristics come from.......
    1st blank: Stratus clouds, 2nd blank: rising, warm air that condenses higher than the rest of the layer.
  • These clouds are the most common type of high-level clouds
  • A low level cloud is ...... if the visibility is greater than 1km.
  • These clouds are flat, sheet like clouds that look similar to stratus clouds, except they are a lighter color
  • Fog can also form when a warm, humid breeze does what?
    blows over a cold surface, such as a cold lake.
  • radiation fog found in vallys
    valley fog
  • These clouds are usually gray and bring steady precipitation: the darker they are, the sooner rain or snow can be expected.
  • Low level clouds that are white, billowy clouds that resemble piles of cotton puffs with flat bases.
  • thin, translucent clouds that spread like a sheet. Described as a "veil" across the sky.
  • These clouds often form a flat, gray later of heavy clouds not far above the ground, appearing as a featureless, gray sheet that covers the whole sky.
    Stratus clouds
  • Often, many of these clouds will be visible as parallel rows in the sky.
  • A thick, brownish haze that results from complex molecules released into the air by cars (primarily older models), buses, trucks, lawn mowers, some factories, and even certain trees and other plants.
    photochemical smog
  • Cumulonimbus clouds usually produce...
    heavy rains, strong winds, and sometimes hail or tornadoes.
  • High-level clouds have an altitude of....
    5.0 - 14 km (16,500 - 45,000 ft)
  • "heaps of curls" clouds
  • This fog is most common during long autumn nights
    radiation fog
  • 3 types of mid-level clouds
    nimbostratus, alostratus, altocumulus
  • The sun and mood are typically visible through these clouds, and the light shining through the thin layer of ice crystals creates the appearance of a halo or ring around the sun or moon.
  • This fog forms over lakes or rivers in the fall, when the water is still warm but the surrounding air is cool
    steam fog
  • Sometimes, warm rain falling into cool air evaporates to produce....
    frontal fog
  • a mixture of smoke and fog
  • These clouds look like feathers or hair
  • If fog develops in air that is below freezing, the water droplets will become supercooled, resulting in.....
    freezing fog
  • 4 types of low-level clouds
    stratus, cumulus, stratocumulus, cumulonimbus
  • Least common type of high-level cloud
  • A cumulus cloud becomes a cumulonimbus cloud if it.....
    starts producing lightning and thunder or if the top develops a wispy appearance, which indicates the presence of ice crystals.
  • Low-level clouds have an altitude of....
    0-2.0 km (0-6,500 feet)
  • On clear nights, when the greenhouse effect is less, the ground quickly radiates heat back into space & a thick layer or air near the ground may cool below the dew point, causing cloud droplets to form around condensation nuclei in the air
    radiation fog forms
  • Where is upslope fog often found?
    along the slopes of mountains
  • 3 types of high-level clouds.
    cirrostratus, cirrocumulus, cirrus
  • Strong updrafts allow a cumulus cloud to become a ...................
    cumulonimbus cloud