
3º Stella Maris: Science - Unit 3 Review

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  • An organism is reproduced by making and identical copy of itself.
    Asexual Reproduction
  • What are the characteristics of a Sponge?
    smooth & mushy/ rough, hard & prickly - live in water - cannot move
  • What are the characteristics of an Annelids?
    soft bodies - moist skin - live in water, land or inside other animals
  • What are the characteristics of an Echinoderm?
    hard, spiky skin - live on the sea floor
  • What are the characteristics of a Gastropod?
    soft bodies - two antennae - live on land or water - some have shells
  • How many types of invertabrates are there?
  • What are invertabrates?
    Animals that DO NOT have a backbone.
  • soft bodies - two antennae - live on land or water - some have shells
  • What are the two types of asexual reproduction?
    Budding and Fragmentation
  • soft bodies - moist skin - live in water, land or inside other animals
  • An animal that only eats plants.
  • How many body parts and legs do ARACHNIDS have?
    2 body parts and 8 legs
  • What are the 3 types of nutrition diets in invertabrates?
    Carnivore, Herbivore, Omnivore
  • How many body parts and legs do INSECTS have?
    3 body parts and 6 legs
  • What are the 6 types of invertabrates?
    Arthropods, Molluscs, Echinoderms, Cnidarians, Sponges, Annelids
  • What are the three vital functions?
    Nutrition, Reproduction, Interaciton
  • What are the characteristics of a Cephalopod?
    soft bodies, large head with tentacles, some have a shell, live in water, camouflage
  • soft bodies, two shells, live in water
  • A male and female is needed for reproduction.
    Sexual Reproduction
  • soft bodies, large head with tentacles, some have a shell, live in water, camouflage
  • Invertabrates can reproduce _______ and __________.
    Sexually or Asexually
  • Living in groups or communities, having sense organs to react to stimuli, and using sound to communicate are how most invertabrates __________.
    Interact with their environment
  • What are Gastropods, Cephalopods and Bivalves?
  • Jelly like bodies - tentacles - live in the sea
  • hard, spiky skin - live on the sea floor
  • An animal that only eats other animals.
  • An animal that eats both plants and other animals.
  • Whats the difference between oviparous and ovoviviparous?
    Ovoviviparous animals lay eggs but the egg is developed inside the mother's body.
  • All molluscs have ______________.
    soft bodies
  • What are the characteristics of a Cnidarian?
    Jelly like bodies - tentacles - live in the sea
  • Reproduction: All invertabrates are ______.
  • How many body parts and legs do CRUSTACEANS have?
    1 body part and 8 (or more) legs
  • What are the characteristics of a Bivalve?
    soft bodies, two shells, live in water
  • How many body parts and legs do MYRIAPODS have?
    many body parts and lots of legs