
DNA & Mitosis vs. Meiosis

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  • How many phases of meiosis are there and what is unique about them?
    Two rounds of nuclear divisions. Genetic variation occurs through crossing over (prophase I) events and through independent assortment (metaphase I).
  • What are the four nucleotides that comprises DNA and what are their functions?
    Adenine, Guanine, Cytosine, and Thymine - Different combinations of nucleotides code for various genotypes and phenotypes.
  • What is Meiosis and what are the products? How does it differ from Mitosis?
    Nuclear division of gametes (germ cells) which produces four genetically unique daughter cells that result in a reduction of ploidy from 2n - n. 
  • What is Mitosis, what is it for, and what are the products? What happens to the ploidy in mitosis?
    The process used for growth and repair by which somatic cells divide to form two genetically identical cells. Ploidy is conserved.
  • What is the pathway from chromatin to Chromosomes?
    Chromatin DNA -> Beads on a string -> Fiber -> Chromonema -> Chromatid -> Chromosome
  • How many phases of Mitosis are there and what are they?
    5-6 Depending on how you group them: Interphase, Metaphase, Anaphase, Telophase, Cytokinesis
  • What is the ploidy of one chromosome? What about two chromosomes? What does ploidy tell us?
    Haploid (n) - Diploid (2n) - The number of chromosomes in a cell or organism.
  • What does DNA stand for, what is its role, and what shape does it have?
    Deoxyribonucleic Acid - Carries genetic instructions for development, growth, reproduction - Double Helix