
Constitution - Washington

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  • faction that supported a strong central government
  • allows the Constitution to stretch to meet the needs of a changing society
    necessary & proper clause
  • Secretary of the Treasury
    Alexander Hamilton
  • a compromise over this part of Hamilton's economic plan led to the movement of the capitol to Washington DC
    federal assumption of state debts
  • Why did Washington choose the men he did to fill cabinet positions
    they were experts in their respected fields
  • this demonstrated the strength of the Constitution to enforce law
    Whiskey Rebellion
  • Attorney General
    Edmund Randolph
  • Secretary of War
    Henry Knox
  • high tax on imports designed to protect domestic industry
    protective tariff
  • the division and sharing of power between the different levels of government
  • who supported neutrality when asked to send aid to the French during the French Revolution
    George Washington & Alexander Hamilton
  • this treaty was unpopular with the American people and sought to settle outstanding issues with the British
    Jay's treaty
  • Hamilton's support for the elastic clause is a demonstration of his support for what type of Constitutional interpretation
  • Secretary of State
    Thomas Jefferson
  • supporters for the Democratic-Republican party were located in which section of the country
    mostly the South - backcountry famers, small shopkeepers, some rural notherners
  • Hamilton proposed a 3 part economic plan - what were the 3 parts?
    1. Creation of public credit 2. federal assumption of state debt 3. creation of a national bank
  • faction that supported adding a Bill of Rights to the Constitution
  • powers explicitly listed in the Constitution
    enumerated/delegated powers
  • why did southerners oppose the federal assumption of states debts
    they had paid most of their debts off
  • supported the creation of a national bank and passage of a protective tariff
  • this constitutional principle ensures that power within in each level of government is divided
    separation of powers
  • Jefferson & the Democratic-Republicans supported this interpretation of the Constitution
  • the president's ability to veto laws passed by Congress is an example of what constitutional principle
    checks and balances
  • What was Hamilton's justification for the creation of the National Bank
    the necessary & proper clause - Fed govt can create currency - currency is kept in a bank
  • large states supported this plan, proposed by James Madison at the Constitutional convention in regards to representation in Congress
    Virginia Plan
  • government is confined or restricted by a Constitution
    limited government
  • plan proposed at the Constitutional Convention which is the foundation for representation in the Senate
    New Jersey Plan
  • Thomas Jefferson was a leader of this political party
    Democratic Republican
  • constitutional compromise that settled the debate over structure of Congress
    Connecticut Compromise
  • what was the cause of the split between Hamilton and Jefferson, leading to the emergence of the first two political parties
    Hamilton's 3 part economic plan