
3B Sources of Energy

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  • What are these?
    Solar cells
  • What is this?
    Wind turbine
  • Which type of energy comes from water in rivers and reservoirs?
  • Hydropower comes from water in ______ and ________.
    rivers and reservoirs
  • ________ is underground and we obtain petrol for cars
  • Which type of energy comes from the Sun?
    Solar energy
  • Coal, natural gas and petroleum are called _______ ________
    fossil fuels
  • _________ is found under the ground and we burn it to obtain thermal energy to heat water and buildings
    Natural gas
  • The Sun gives us _______ energy. thermal / dark / wind
    Thermal energy
  • Which sources of energy don't pollute the air or water? Renewable or nonrenewable?
  • What are four sources of nonrenewable energy?
    Coal, natural gas, petroleum and uranium
  • Which type of energy is also called clean energy?
  • What are three sources of renewable energy?
    Solar energy, wind energy, hydropower
  • _________ is a mineral and we obtain nuclear energy when we break its atoms
  • ______ is a mineral and we burn it to obtain thermal and electric energy
  • What are the two types of energy sources?
    Renewable and nonrenewable
  • Which sources of energy are natural resources that cannot be replaced after they are used?
  • What is this?
  • Which type of energy comes from the wind?
    Wind energy
  • The wind gives us ________ energy. thermal / kinetic / hydro
    Kinetic energy