
TEST YOUR KNOWLEDGE: entertainment and fashion e ...

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  • "A tight outfit made of a vaguely futuristic-looking fabric" fits the description of...
    An average sci-fi film outfit.
  • ¿How is the fashion portayed in futuristic productions normally called?
    Sci-fi fashion
  • Black leather trenchcoats are remembered as something iconic from the film...
  • ¿Which actress starred "Breakfast at Tiffany´s": Audrey Hepburn or Katharine Hepburn?
    Audrey Hepburn
  • ¿Who starred "Casablanca": Humphrey Bogart or Marlon Brando?
    Humphrey Bogart
  • Name, at least, two futuristic films mentioned in our presentation:
    Dune, The Hunger Games, Star Wars, Matrix, I, Robot, etc.
  • "The silent film era ended in the late 1930s". Is this true or false? If false, correct the statement.
    False. 1920s
  • A show with colourful and psychedelic outfits is...
    That 70s Show
  • ¿From which decade is the "Mean Girls" film characteristic?
    From the (early) 2000s
  • Do we consider "The Big Bang Theory" a series based on current or future events?
    A series about the present, based on current events.