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  • Where is the University of Missouri (Mizzou) located: St Louis, Columbia or Kansas City?
  • What are the TWO official colors of the University of Missouri?
    black and gold (yellow)
  • How many different colleges and schools are there in the University of Missouri: 13, 23, 33, 53?
  • "Francis Quadrangle" is the famous home to the Columns.It is also home to the original tombstone of the third United States president.What is his name? Benjamin Franklin, George Washington, or Thomas Jefferson?
    Thomas Jefferson
  • What is the name of the official mascot of Mizzou?
  • The longest river in North America flows right next to Columbia. What is the name of that river? Mississipi River, Missouri River or Madison River?
    Missouri River
  • If somebody shouts "M-I-Z", what should you say? "M-I-Z to you" , "Z-O-U" , or "Z-O-U to you"?
  • What does "MGS" stands for: Mizzou Global ______?
  • What is the capital city of of Missouri: Columbia, Jefferson City, or St Louis?
    Jefferson City
  • Approximately how many students attend the University of Missouri every year: 15.000, 25.000, or 30.000?
  • True or false: A landmark is an object or feature of a location that is easily recognized.
  • Where is the state of Missouri located? South, North, Middle, East or West of the USA?