
Continental Drift

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  • What freshwater reptile was found on South America and Africa?
  • Wegener called the giant landmass ____________.
  • How many pieces of evidence did Alfred Wegener have?
  • Where was the tropical plant, the Glossopteris found?
  • Why couldn't the tropical plant survive on Antarctica?
    Because it must have been closer to the equator
  • The theory of continental drift said that the continents were....
    once together and have drifted apart
  • What did they do to the hypothesis of continental drift?
    Rejected it
  • In order for scientists to believe Wegener he had to provide them with __________.
  • In 1910 a German Scientist named ________ had a theory called continetnal drift.
    Alfred Wegener
  • What three pieces of evidence helped prove Alfred Wegener's theory?
    Mountains, Fossils and Climate
  • What other question did other scientists have for Wegener?