
Catcher in the Rye Ch. 1 Vocab

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  • innumerable
    too many to be numbered; countless
  • exhibitionist
    one who likes to show off and get attention.
  • parlors
    room in a home, hotel, or club used for conversation or the reception guest
  • Ostracized
    excluded from the group by common consent
  • groping
    reaching blindly.
  • lagoon
    shallow sound, channel or pond near or connected with a larger body of water.
  • qualms
    feelings of doubt or hesitation
  • ironical
    meaning the opposite of what is expressed
  • riddle
    a mystifying, misleading, or puzzling question posed as a problem to be solved or guessed.
  • aggravating
    rousing to displease or anger usually persistent often petty goading
  • falsetto
    an artificially high voice
  • crude
    laking good manners
  • liable
    bound by law; responsible
  • chiffonier
    a high narrow chest of drawers often with a mirror
  • compulsory
    required by authority