
Education Vocabulary

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  • the money that you pay to be taught especially in a college or university
    tuition fees
  • a synonym for: do an exam
    sit an exam
  • a teacher who is in charge of a school
    head teacher
  • the buildings of a university or college and the land around them
  • when you complete your studies, you .....
  • a long piece of writing on a particular subject, especially one written for a university degree
  • if you succeed in you pass, you
    you pass your exam
  • a place where students go to receive training after they have left school
  • an amount of money given to excellent students from low-income families to help pay for their education
  • the subjects that are taught in a school, college, etc.
  • a year that a young person spends working and/or travelling, often between leaving school and starting university
    gap year
  • if an exam you get 4/10, you have .......the exam
    you have failed the exam
  • education at university, especially to degree level
    higher education
  • a school for young people between the ages of 13 and 18
    secondary school
  • a school for children between the ages of 3-6
    nursery school
  • a school for children between the ages of 6 and 12
    primary school
  • a school where students live
    boarding school
  • a person who gives a lecture
  • a building for university or college students to live in
    halls of residence
  • a system of education in which people study at home with the help of special internet sites and send or email work to their teachers
    online/distance learning
  • that must be done because of a law or a rule
  • money that somebody borrows to study at university
    student loan
  • to prepare for an exam by looking again at work that you have done
    revise for an exam
  • an institution at the highest level of education where you can study for a degree