
Airport Vocab

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  • In which row, can you not store luggage underneath the seat in front of you?
    The emergency exit row
  • Explain what a boarding gate is
    Up to teacher
  • The train for London is now arriving at _______ three
  • What does ETA stand for?
    estimated time of arrival
  • Fasten your ______, we are about to take off
  • What does it mean to check a bag?
    When you pay to have your suitcase stored in the luggage hold underneath the cabin
  • Please return to your seat, we are experiencing _______
  • The plane _______ on time but arrived half an hour late
    took off
  • It was hard to find a seat on the plane as there were so many _____
  • What is altitude?
    The height at which a plane is flying
  • True or false: A security check at the airport is when you check to make sure your friend is secure
    Falso! It's when you go through airport security before going to your boarding gate
  • We finally reached our _______ after traveling all day
  • A holiday which includes organized travel and accommodation is _____
  • True or false: Oxygen masks drop from the ceiling of the plane when there is a change in cabin pressure
  • What is a layover?
    When you have to take more than one flight to get to your final destination
  • What do you call the people who assist passengers on a flight
    Flight attendants/ steward
  • True or false: An airport terminal is where there are multiple gates where you can board a flight
  • What is duty free?
    When you don't have to pay taxes on items purchased in airports because they are considered international territory
  • Do you want a return ticket, or a _____?
    single ticket
  • A journey by plane is a _____
  • I had to ________ my tickets, because I was ill and couldn't travel
  • What is the difference between a domestic and international flight?
    Domestic: Flights that start and end in an area without border control (ex: flights within the EU). International: Flights where you cross a boarder
  • What is a safety demonstration on a plane?
    When the crew explains the safety features on the plane
  • The customs officer asked Bill if he had anything to _____
  • What is a visa?
    A special permission to visit another country, one must obtain in order to visit/ remain in some countries legally