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  • Who says, "Out damned spot?"
    Lady Macbeth
  • Name one prediction made by the witches that makes Macbeth feel untouchable.
    Either 1) When the trees move 2) No man born of woman can kill him.
  • How was Macduff not "born of woman?"
    Macduff was born by ceasarian section.
  • Name another tragedy play by Shakespeare?
    Acceptable answers: King Lear, Hamlet, Romeo and Juliet, Antony and Cleopatra, Othello.
  • How does Macbeth die?
    Macbeth is eventually killed by Macduff in battle.
  • In which year did Shakespeare die?
  • Which genre of play is Macbeth?
  • Why is Macbeth referred to as 'The Scottish Play?'
    The name 'Macbeth' is thought to be unlucky.
  • In which country is Macbeth set in?
  • Which language technique is used in the witches' spells?
  • Name one prediction that the Witches give Macbeth
    King of Scottish, Thane of Glanes, Thane of Cawdor
  • How many witches are there?
    There are three witches.
  • Macbeth often hallucinates, seeing the ghost of __________. 
  • Name another 3 Shakespearean plays (except Macbeth!)
    Anything deemed acceptable.
  • Who is Banquo's son? Macduff, King Duncan or Malcolm?