
Last Day Baamboozle Game!

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  • How does this person feel?
  • Name a quality of a good friend
  • What was your favourite part of virtual group?
  • Conversations should fit together like a P________
  • Good Friend or Bad Friend? Listens to me when I'm telling them something important
    Good Friend
  • Good friend or bad friend? A few kids were teasing me about my new shoes. He came over, pointed at them and laughed with the other kids.
    Bad Friend
  • Name a type of WH question
    Who, What, Where, When, Why
  • Name a quality of a bad friend
  • Good friend or bad friend? Told me a funny joke he heard
    Good friend
  • What makes you feel scared?
  • How does this person feel?
  • What makes you feel angry?
  • What makes you feel happy?
  • Good friend or bad friend? Asked me if I wanted to play basketball at recess
    Good friend
  • How does this person feel?
  • What was your favourite part of virtual group?
  • Good friend or bad friend? When I asked if I could have a turn on the bike, he said "In a minute". I played with something else. Five minutes later, he gave me the bike.
    Good Friend
  • You can start a conversation by asking a q_______
  • How does this person feel?
  • Good friend or bad friend? I told her a secret and she told everyone in class
    Bad friend
  • Name a quality of a bad friend
  • Name a quality of a good friend