
Power up 2 unit 1

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  • get dressed?
    Does he get dressed? Yes, he does.
  • have a shower?
    Does he have a shower? Yes, he does.
  • get up?
    Does he get up? No, he doesn't.
  • have dinner?
    Do they have dinner? Yes, they do.
  • get up?
    Does she get up? Yes,she does.
  • clean her teeth?
    Does she clean her teeth? No, she doesn't.
  • go to school?
    Do they go to school? Yes, they do.
  • brush her hair?
    Does she brush her hair? Yes, she does.
  • have breakfast?
    Does she have breakfast? Yes, she does.
  • have a shower?
    Do they have a shower? No, they don't.
  • clean his teeth?
    Does he clean his teeth? No, he doesn't.
  • have lunch?
    Does she have lunch?No, she doesn't
  • clean teeth?
    Do they clean teeth? Yes, they do.
  • go home?
    Do they go home? No, they don't.
  • get dressed?
    Does she get dressed? No, she doesn't
  • have breakfast?
    Do they have breakfast? No, they don't.