
Adjektiivien vertailu (pitkät ja lyhyet)

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  • rehellinen
    honest, more honest, the most honest
  • luotettava
    reliable, more reliable, the most reliable
  • easy (helppo)
    easy, easier, the easiest
  • beautiful (kaunis)
    beautiful, more beautiful, the most beautiful
  • tall (pitkä)
    tall, taller, the tallest
  • äänekäs
    loud, louder, the loudest
  • huono, paha
    bad, worse, the worst
  • ujo
    shy, shyer/shier, the shyest/the shiest
  • pieni
    small, smaller, the smallest
  • happy (iloinen)
    happy, happier, the happiest
  • hyvä, parempi, paras
    good, better, the best
  • älykäs
    smart, smarter, the smartest
  • urheilullinen
    sporty, sportier, the sportiest
  • boring (tylsä)
    boring, more boring, the most boring
  • kiltti
    kind, kinder, the kindest
  • rento
    relaxed, more relaxed, the most relaxed
  • toimelias
    active, more active, the most active
  • halpa
    cheap, cheaper, the cheapest
  • baggy (löysä)
    baggy, baggier, the baggiest
  • värikäs
    colourful, more colourful, the most colourful
  • vaikea
    difficult, more difficult, the most difficult
  • lovely (ihana)
    lovely, lovelier, the loveliest
  • kaunis
    beautiful, more beautiful, the most beautiful
  • big (suuri)
    big, bigger, the biggest
  • good (hyvä)
    good, better, the best
  • kallis
    expensive, more expensive, the most expensive
  • tumma
    dark, darker, the darkest
  • suuri
    big, bigger, the biggest
  • nuori
    young, younger, the youngest
  • hupsu
    silly, sillier, the silliest
  • small (pieni)
    small, smaller, the smallest
  • ihana
    lovely, lovelier, the loveliest
  • tylsä
    boring, more boring, the most boring
  • bad (paha, huono)
    bad, worse, the worst
  • avulias
    helpful, more helpful, the most helpful
  • reilu
    fair, fairer, the fairest
  • suloinen, söpö
    cute, cuter, the cutest
  • hiljainen
    quiet, more quiet, the most quiet
  • fluffy (pörröinen)
    fluffy, fluffier, the fluffiest
  • uskollinen
    loyal, more loyal, the most loyal
  • luova
    creative, more creative, the most creative