
Present VS Past

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  • Television/Smart TV
    Smart TV has a better quality and bigger screen. Old TV didn't have a lot of channels and they were small.
  • Books/Kindle
    Books weigh more and Kindle can stor more data and books. It is easy to use.
  • Cars (Fort Model T)/Ford GT
    Fort Model T was slower. It had less horsepower and speed.
  • Mobile phone/smartphone
    Mobile phone was heavy (1.1kg) and long. You could use him to call someone for 30 minutes and 10 hoyrs to reacharge it. Smartphones are smaller and shorter.
  • ENIAC/Portable calculator
    ENIAC was huge and had 17000 vacuum tubes,70000 resistors and 10000 capacitors. Modern calculator are small (pocket size). It doesn't take much time and space.
  • Video Cam/HI-DEF Video Recorder
    It could record up to 2,5 minutes and modern video recorder - for 4 hours and 21 min. It has more frames and a better quality.
  • Laptop/Compact Ultraportables
    Laptop was heavy and had a small screen. It cost 1795 dollars. CU is lighter and has a bigger screen. It costs 1000 dollars.
  • Floppy disk/Thumb drive
    You need more floppy disks to store large data and thumb drive is smaller in size.