
hazard warning labels

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  • what is the name and definition of this sign??
    explosive sign (a substance that can explode if it comes to into a contact with a flame or heat )
  • what is the name and definition of this sign??
    flammable sign(a substance that can easily catch a fire )
  • what is the name and definition of this sign??
    Oxidising sign ( a substance that gives off a large amount of heat when in contact with other substances )
  • what is the name and definition of this sign??
    corrosive sign (a substance that can destroy living tissue. it can cause burns )
  • what is the name and definition of this sign??
    toxic sign (a substance that can poison you )
  • what is the name and definition of this sign??
    hazardous to the environment (a substance that can kill or damage living things in the environment )
  • what is the name and definition of this sign??
    health hazard (a substance that can cause harm such as irritating your skin and eyes)
  • what is the name and definition of this sign??
    serious health hazard (a substance that can cause a serious problem to your health)